Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012 Russian Guild of Film Critics Awards – winners

The Гильдия киноведов и кинокритиков России (Russian Guild of Film Critics) held the annual ceremony in Moscow to announce the winners for their 15th Белый Слон (White Elephant) awards for the best in Russian cinema. Formerly, the awards were known as the Золотой Овен (Golden Ram) Awards.

The top winner on the night was Фауст (Faust) by Александр Сокуров (Alexander Sokurov) which won four awards. It won for Best Film, Best Director and Best Supporting Actor for Антон Адасинский (Anton Adasinsky). In addition, it shared Best Screenwriter which went to Юрий Арабов (Yuri Arabov) for both Faust and Орда (The Horde). Faust was the Golden Lion winner at the 2011 Venice Film Festival.

In addition to its Screenwriter prize, The Horde picked up an award for Art Direction.

Жить (Living) also won two awards, taking Best Cinematography as well as Best Supporting Actress which went to Ольга Лапшина (Olga Lapshina).

The prize for Best Debut Film was given to Все ушли (Everybody’s Gone) by Георгий Параджанов (Georgy Paradzhanov).

Complete list of winners for the 15th Белого слона (White Elephant) Awards

Best Film
Фауст (Faust), Александр Сокуров (Alexander Sokurov)

Best Director
Александр Сокуров (Alexander Sokurov), Фауст (Faust)

Best Screenwriter
Юрий Арабов (Yuri Arabov), Орда (The Horde) and Фауст (Faust)

Best Actress
Мария Шалаева (Maria Shalayeva), Я буду рядом (I’ll Be Around)

Best Actor
Владимир Свирский (Vladimir Svirsky), В тумане (In the Fog)

Best Supporting Actress
Ольга Лапшина (Olga Lapshina), Жить (Living)

Best Supporting Actor
Антон Адасинский (Anton Adasinsky), Фауст (Faust)

Best Cinematography
Алишер Хамидходжаев (Alisher Khamidkhodzhayev), Жить (Living)

Best Art Direction
Сергей Февралев (Sergei Fevralev), Орда (The Horde)

Best Debut Film
Все ушли (Everybody’s Gone), Георгий Параджанов (Georgy Paradzhanov)

Young Critics' Award
Я тоже хочу (I Also Want It), режиссер Алексей Балабанов (Alexei Balabanov)

Best Music Score
Анджей Петрас (Andzhei Petras), Рассказы (Short Stories)

Best Documentary
Антиподы (¡Vivan las Antipodas!), Виктора Косаковского (Victor Kossakovsky)

Best Animated Film
Пишто уезжает (Pishto Goes Away), Сони Кендель (Sonia Kendel)

Премией имени Мирона Черненко (Miron Chernenko Award)
Любовь Аркус (Lubov Arkus), Антон тут рядом (Anton’s Right Here)

Special Awards
За Маркса (For Marx), Светланы Басковой (Svetlana Baskova)
Зима, уходи! (Winter, Go Away), various directors

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